Tham khảo Sóng alpha

  1. Gerrard P, Malcolm R (tháng 6 năm 2007). “Mechanisms of modafinil: A review of current research”. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 3: 349–64. PMC 2654794. PMID 19300566
  2. Palva S.; Palva J.M. (2007). “New vistas for a-frequency band oscillations”. Trends Neurosci 30: 150–158. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2007.02.001
  3. Karbowski K. “Hans Berger (1873-194)”. Journal of Neurology 249 (8): 1310–1311. 
  4. Domino E. F.; Ni L. S. và đồng nghiệp (2009). “Tobacco smoking produces widespread dominant brainwave alpha frequency increases”. International Journal of Psychophysiology 74 (3): 192–198. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.08.011
  5. Niedermeyer E (1997). “Alpha rhythms as physiological and abnormal phenomena”. International Journal of Psychophysiology 26 (1-3): 31–49. PMID 9202993. doi:10.1016/s0167-8760(97)00754-x
  6. Germanowicz D, Lumertz MS, Martinez D, Margarites AF (2006). “Sleep disordered breathing concomitant with fibromyalgia syndrome”. J Bras Pneumol 32 (4): 333–8. PMID 17268733. doi:10.1590/s1806-37132006001100012
  7. “Alpha-delta sleep in patients with a chief complaint of chronic fatigue”. Southern Medical Journal 87 (4). 1994. 
  8. “Brain Wave Patterns Can Predict Blunders, New Study Finds”. UC Davis News and Information. University of California, Davis campus. Ngày 23 tháng 3 năm 2009.